At The Sole Connection Farm we work to harness the natural power of mycelium, the conscious fungal networks that reside beneath our feet. Having children inspired us to think about the future of our planet and the responsibility we have to preserve it for coming generations. We may be in trouble, but if we listen to Nature we might be able to mitigate and reverse the damage that we, as humanity, have inflicted on the Earth.
Our long-term goal at The Sole Connection Farm is to partner with like-minded community members and provide quality, nutritious crops that help fund research and ultimately build the infrastructure to start mycoremediation projects to help curb pollution. We will work with waste and disposal sites, as well as targeted habitat restoration through soil regeneration using carefully selected species of fungi.
We stumbled on the magic of mycelium in late 2020 while working for a company that produced a plastic consumable for the printing industry. I was researching new and innovative ways to recycle our generated waste, when I read that the enzymes produced by certain saprophytic fungi had the capability of breaking apart the hydrocarbon bonds that hold plastics together. We were amazed and intrigued. We ordered some spawn and a fruiting kit, and off we went experimenting! The further down the mycelial matrix we tumbled, the more we gained an appreciation for the beauty and the majesty of Nature’s magnificent recyclers.
Along the journey, we started to relearn what our ancestors had already discovered and what many are rediscovering now. The fruiting bodies of the fungi, mushrooms, are not only delicious, but can have astonishing health benefits as well as being sustainable in their cultivation. Pioneering mycologist Paul Stamets comments on their medicinal potential,
“Mushrooms have many helpful nutrients, including beta glucans for immune enhancement, ergothioneines for antioxidative potentiation, nerve growth stimulators for helping brain function, and antimicrobial compounds for limiting viruses.” In this modern age of processed foods, pollution, and higher rates of life-expectancy, one of the largest challenges we face is the enduring quality of life as we age. Mushrooms can help with that, and just about everything else too!
We’ve started our journey by partnering with local restaurants who share our vision and appreciation for these fantastic fungi. We have only just begun, and we hope that you'll join us on this magical ride!